Dr. Abass Abtahi ist in der N�he von Isfahan geboren worden, einen gro�en Teil seiner Schulzeit hat er in Isfahan verbracht. Sp�ter hat er an der Teheraner Universit�t sein Medizinstudium begonnen und dieses an der Universit�t D�sseldorf beendet. Seit 1982 lebt er in Deutschland.
Von 1998 bis 2008 hat er als �rztlicher psychotherapeutischer Leiter der Fachklinik "Schloz" in Freudenstadt gearbeitet. Die Fachklinik "Schloz" ist eine renommierte Fachklinik, die ausschlie�lich suchtabh�ngige Frauen behandelt.
Herr Abtahi leitete von 2014 bis 2017 die psychosomatische Abteilung in der Klinik "Sieg Reha" in Hennef.
Drug treatment of alcohol and drug addiction in women is an important aspect of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. Women may face unique problems and challenges related to addiction, including hormonal changes, social factors, and psychological aspects. Let's consider the main methods of drug treatment for both addictions. Alcohol addiction Detoxification: The first stage of alcohol addiction treatment is often detoxification, which may require hospitalization. At this stage, drugs can be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms, such as benzodiazepines (for example, diazepam or lorazepam). Supportive therapy: Naltrexone: It is an opioid receptor antagonist that helps reduce the desire to drink alcohol by blocking its effects on the brain. Akamprosat: This drug helps to restore the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with stopping alcohol consumption. Disulfiram: This drug causes unpleasant reactions when drinking alcohol, which can help motivate a person to avoid alcohol. Hormonal aspects: Women may have hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle, which may affect the desire to drink alcohol. This can also be taken into account in the treatment process. Drug addiction Detoxification: As with alcohol, the first stage of drug addiction treatment may include detoxification, which can be dangerous and requires medical supervision. Depending on the type of drug, various medications may be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Supportive therapy: Methadone: It is a drug used to treat opioid addiction. It helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms and the desire to use drugs. Buprenorphine: It is a partial agonist of opioid receptors, which is also used to treat opioid addiction. It can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and desire. Naltrexone: As with alcohol addiction, naltrexone can be used to treat opioid addiction by blocking their effects. On the site CA.ORG.ZA more information about Naltrexone(revia) addiction treatment is also available without a doctor's prescription. Psychosocial support: It is important to combine medication with psychotherapy and support, such as support groups (for example, NA or AA), which help women cope with addictions and their consequences. Unique aspects for women Hormonal changes: Women may experience the influence of the menstrual cycle on their desires and behavior, which requires an individual approach to treatment. Social and family factors: Women may face various social stereotypes and expectations that may influence their addiction and treatment. Psychological aspects: Women are more likely to experience concomitant mental disorders such as anxiety and depression, which may require a comprehensive treatment approach.
Dr. Abtahi ist Hypnotherapeut (M.E.G.), er ist auch Facharzt in Neurologie und anerkannter Balintgruppenleiter durch die �rztekammer Baden-W�rttemberg wie auch durch die Deutsche Balintgesellschaft.
Er hat von Jahr 2004 - 2009 die j�hrliche Balinttagung in Freudenstadt in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Balintgesellschaft geleitet.
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